The aim of this paper is to introduce a new conceptual framework for communications policy research pertaining to disaster mitigation in Canada. It claims that mitigation-oriented policy research must expand its agenda to focus on the deep social roots of ...
As society becomes increasingly urbanised the relationship between the built environment and risk also becomes increasingly complex. Disaster management and public health professionals are employing technology as tools to assist them with understanding ...
Life Support Networks (LSNs) are those entities that provide society with essential resources such as energy, telecommunications, etc., in order to assure its correct functioning. Thus, the correct functioning of LSNs guarantees the correct functioning of ...
Four principles are identified as being associated with sustainability balance, ecosystem approach, adaptive management and teamwork. The evolution of flood management strategies in Canada is provided using secondary historical sources. The sustainability ...
The primary means of knowledge management within emergency management agencies in Canada is the lessons-learned approach; that is, the experiences gained during a disaster are collected and filtered, and the mistakes or oversights are highlighted as ...
In the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, hundreds of thousands of persons all over the world called their foreign ministries to report that they were concerned their loved ones were among the victims. There were so many calls that most Foreign ...
In response to increasing concerns about the impact of disaster recovery work on responders, Pearson International Airport (PIA) in Toronto established Canada's first airport based 'critical incident stress team' in the fall of 1989. The original aim was ...
This paper responds to the ongoing calls within emergency management for more community-driven and capacity building approaches to the response to and recovery from natural disasters. Moving from the rhetoric of community-driven approaches to the practice,...
Indices are increasingly important for emergency planning at the community level, particularly with respect to identifying vulnerable neighbourhoods and mapping disaster potential. This paper provides both a critical literature review and an empirical ...
Although much effort has recently been expended on evaluating and improving terrorism preparedness among Canadian federal, provincial, and local institutions, less attention has been given to understanding the public's view of these initiatives. The ...