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An assessment of industry position on shared equity housing model development in the UK

Published Online:pp 107-124

This paper investigated affordable housing problems and how they impact the development of shared equity housing models (SEHM) with emphasis on the community land trust (CLT). The methodological approach identified and tackled inherent industry sources of barriers to community land trust shared equity housing models (CLT SEHM) development through literature reviews and the text analysis of semi-structured interview responses from key stakeholders. Findings indicated that industry sources of barriers to CLT development occur within crucial bilateral dimensions impacting its capabilities as an adoptable model for major housing providers, and for local practitioners in well-defined communes for localised housing. This study opens a further debate on the downsides of the current housing delivery arrangement, and the need for an improved capacity for innovation through more sustainable alternatives/policies - particularly in a sector dominated by tested mainstream options, however with performance and affordability inconsistencies - in UK housing development.


housing, affordable housing, industry, shared equity housing models, SEHM, community land trust, CLT, UK