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Pulp and paper industry in traditional and new markets – a fuzzy input-output analysis

Published Online:pp 639-660

The global business environment of the pulp and paper industry (PPI) has changed drastically during past decades. This paper focuses on analysing the linkages between PPI and other industries in Brazil, Finland, and the USA. We identified the most important inter-industry linkages and analysed possible differences between countries, and over time. We also predicted Finland’s input-output structure using fuzzy linear models. The results suggest that there are distinct differences across countries and also over time. It seems that the global changes in pulp and paper markets have changed the purchase ‘recipe’ of PPI in all of the countries investigated. Fuzzy input-output analysis was found to be a useful forecast method, although further research is needed prior to any generalisations.


input-output analysis, fuzzy linear systems, pulp and paper industry, PPI


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