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Reasoning, modelling and knowledge codification in solving well-structured mathematics problems

Published Online:pp 348-358

In problem-based learning, the instructional process begins with the introduction of the problem statement, one that is usually real-world-oriented. Students in groups are encouraged to tackle and solve the problem, in the process of which they build up their own individual conceptual knowledge schemas in relation to the given problems. In developing PBL-centred curriculum, problems selected as the cognitive stimulus in initiating knowledge construction could be either well or ill-structured problem representations. The study described in this paper adopted a case study approach to investigate the cognitive reasoning and analytical strategies students employed in conceptualising and deconstructing story and arithmetic well-structured problems. It is hoped that the findings of this study will shed more light on the heuristic ways in which students approach well-structured problem solving and inform the educational design of effective problem solving environments.


problem solving, well-structured problems, knowledge codification


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