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An incremental hybrid decode-amplify forward selection for wireless relaying networks

Published Online:pp 174-185

The coverage enhancement and spatial diversity enhancement for a wireless network is favoured by cooperative relaying strategy. Among the relaying protocols available, amplify and forward (AF) relaying strategy is more economical and simple than its counterpart decode and forward (DF) algorithm. In situations where the quality of service is concerned, the decode and forward algorithm is mandatory. Incremental hybrid decode-amplify-forward (IHDAF) relaying scheme which selects the required relaying strategy based on the received signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the signal at the relay terminal provides a better performance. The simulation shows the IHDAF gives a better performance when the relay is close to the destination.


relay networks, incremental hybrid decode-amplify-forward, IHDAF, amplify and forward scheme, decode and forward scheme