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Lifelong learning among consumers and suppliers of complementary and alternative methods of healthcare: a descriptive study of motivational factors and learning sources

Published Online:pp 430-451

The complementary and alternative methods of healthcare (CAM) supply and demand and the learning opportunities in the field of CAM services have been rapidly increasing. The goals of the study were to determine motivational factors behind individuals' engagement in lifelong learning in the field of CAM services and differences in these factors between CAM services consumers and suppliers. Two focus groups and semi-structured interviews were performed. The thematic analysis approach was utilised and social network analysis for the graphical representation and quantification of identified motivational factors. The study identified five motivational factors explaining individuals' engagement into lifelong learning in the field of CAM services that are consistent with socio-behavioural models explaining the motivation for health behaviour modification. The results of this qualitative study form the basis for a further systematic study of the use and increased supply of CAM services.


lifelong learning, complementary and alternative services, consumers, suppliers, focus groups, semi-structured interviews, Slovenia