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Patient opinion on servicescape in selected multi-speciality hospitals, Salem District, Tamil Nadu

Published Online:pp 374-388

Servicescape is one of the popular marketing strategies implemented by Booms and Bitner for accentuating the effects of the physical environment where the service plays a significant role. One such environment is the healthcare or medical industry, where patients seek good services that need improvement in their health. Patient happiness reflects the income and outgoing of more patients in the hospital. The growth of the hospital industries is based on service marketing, which can be obtained only from the existing patient opinion compared to the other industries. A new patient looks for opinions about primary operations, health check-ups, implanting body parts, etc. Thus, this paper proposed a supervised learning model to analyse the patient opinion collected from the patient directly and from social networks. In addition, this paper proposed a multi-class support vector machine as the learning model to learn, pre-process, feature extract, and classify the service categories of the hospital - the collected at a multi-speciality hospital, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India used in the experiment. The experimental results show the classification accuracy, which is 8% higher than the existing model.


data analysis, opinion mining, healthcare data, data collection, supervised learning model