Verification of SBL models by mobile SODAR measurements
Models of atmospheric pollutant transport need information about the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The most important characteristics for such applications are the parameterisation of the stable boundary layer (SBL) and the mixing layer height (MLH). Recently, many different schemes have been employed to calculate the SBL height, but there are many problems with applying these models in environmental studies. Remote sensing of the atmospheric boundary layer using an acoustic sounder provides an opportunity to assess the mixing height based on analysis of SODAR echo strength. During the night, with a steady state of the stable boundary layer, the mixing height is associated with the range of the inversion layer. In the present study, an attempt is made to assess the stable boundary layer height over an urban area based on seven different schemes. Furthermore, the relationship between the mixing height obtained from SODAR measurements and that obtained from models is examined. Data gathered during field experiments in Wroclaw and Cracow are employed for the evaluation of these models.
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