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Performance evaluation of stochastic real-time systems with the SBIP framework

Published Online:pp 340-370

The SBIP framework consists of a stochastic real-time component-based modelling formalism and a statistical model checking engine. The former is built as a stochastic extension of the real-time BIP formalism and enables the construction of stochastic real-time systems in a compositional way. The statistical engine implements a set of statistical algorithms for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of probabilistic properties. The paper provides a thorough introduction to the SBIP formalism and the associated verification method. In a second part, it surveys several case studies about modelling and verification of real-life systems, including various network protocols and multimedia applications.


stochastic systems, real-time, component-based, formal models, generalised semi-Markov process, GSMP, behaviour interaction priority, BIP, statistical model checking, SMC, performance evaluation