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PAPaS: peer-assisted publish and subscribe

Published Online:pp 128-136

The scalability of a content-based Publish and Subscribe (pub/sub) system typically depends on efficient subscription matching (brokering) and dissemination. As the number of subscribers increases, the matching and dissemination processes can increase bandwidth usage and overwhelm the server. Peer-Assisted Publish and Subscribe (PAPaS) is a hybrid broker/P2P content-based pub/sub system with varying event sizes. Publishers and subscribers share the burden through self-brokering and dissemination in a P2P fashion. The practical implications inherent in combining pub/sub and P2P protocols are explored. Scalability analysis of the overall broker workloads and event distribution are demonstrated to show the benefits of PAPaS. Experimental results show that our approach is simple and highly effective at minimising the brokering and event forwarding overhead as well as supporting the dynamicity of mobile clients in pub/sub middleware systems.


publish and subscribe, middleware, content distribution, P2P, peer-to-peer, BitTorrent, scalability


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